
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Greater Manchester Waterways I
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Which area of Greater Manchester lies on the Rivers Croal & Tonge ?



Which river runs from Lancs.Moors - Bacup - Bury - Manchester -Salford & into the Mersey?


River Irwell
River Roch
River Douglas
River Ribble

Manchester lies on which river ?


River Irwell
River Douglas
River Mersey
River Ribble

Rivers Irk, Croal & Medlock are all tributaries of ?


River Irwell
River Mersey
River Douglas
River Ribble

The Manchester Ship Canal was opened in



The Barton Swing Aquaduct carries which canal over the Manchester Ship Canal ?


Rochdale Canal
Bridgewater Canal
Ashton Canal
Manchchester, Bolton & Bury Canal

The Irwell was made Navigable into the centre of Manchester with the


Rochdale Canal
Bridgewater Canal
Ashton Canal
Manchester Ship Canal

The Cofluence of the River Tame & River Goyt near Stockport is the start of the


River Irwell
River Douglas
River Mersey
River Ribble

In the 20th century which waterway led to Manchester becoming the 3rd busiest British port


Manchchester, Bolton & Bury Canal
Bridgewater Canal
Ashton Canal
Manchester Ship Canal

On which Irwell tributary does Rochdale lie ?


River Medlock
River Roch
River Irk
River Croal

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012